Summer Camp Registration
​Camp MiVoden and the Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) is dedicated to help everyone who would like to attend camp. The true cost of a week at summer camp can range from $925 to $2,500 per person (ACTUAL COST). Thanks to the Upper Columbia Conference of SDA the amount that each camper pays is much less (YOUR COST). Any additional funds donated toward the actual cost of camp will go to help make the MiVoden experience available to more people. This can be done during your Ultracamp registration, or go to DONATIONS now to give!
Need financial assistance with Summer Camp? Our Campership program offers scholarships for those who need financial assistance from Camp MiVoden and SDA Churches within the Upper Columbia Conference. Download the form HERE and contact your local Seventh-Day Adventist Church to apply.
The Camp MiVoden experience is funded in part by the Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. ALL CAMPERS WHO ARE MEMBERS OF THE THE UPPER COLUMBIA CONFERENCE RECEIVE $100 OFF OF "YOUR COST". For more information about Summer Camp discounts, finances, the MiVoden Referral Program, and refunds click HERE and go to Summer Camp Finances.
​Information on preparing for camp, what to pack and schedules click here: Preparing for camp
For a printable/fillable youth camp application form click HERE.


Ultimate camps (Wakeboard, Extreme, and Survival) do not stay in our main camp area. Each group will have their own cook and food will be prepared on their site. Campers will stay in nice tents equipped with cots and will have access to showers during scheduled times. We want to say a big "THANK-YOU" to Cabela's and Tri-State Outfitters for supporting our ultimate camp programs. We really appreciate these businesses giving back to the community and helping us get more kids to camp and the outdoors.
Ultimate Art camp will be staying at base camp, eating at main camp in the cafeteria, and will have a specialized focus on arts and crafts along with the opportunity to participate in a variety of camp activities.
Abba's Child camps stay in Moose Cabin. These two camps have their own cook and food will be prepared in the Moose Cabin's kitchen part of the time. The other part of the time campers will be eating with main camp in the cafeteria. The cabin is furnished with bunk beds and individual showers and restrooms.
Our Equestrian Center has it's own camp and cook. Food will be prepared in our chuck wagon. The cabins and teepees are furnished with bunk beds and will have access to showers during scheduled times.

Whether you are a child or the parent of one, MiVoden's Family Camps offer a wide variety of hands-on experiences that are accommodating to the whole family. With days full of classes taught by our qualified staff, your evenings will be occupied with campfire programs that are spiritual and uplifting. This summer, start a tradition for your family and friends at Camp MiVoden.
The Camp MiVoden experience is funded in part by the Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventist. For more information about Summer Camp discounts, finances and refunds click HERE and go to Summer Camp Finances.