MiVoden Equestrian Program Hosts CHA Training!
Camp MiVoden is a certified facility with fully certified staff through the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA). On June 13-18, 2021 our equestrian program hosted an English Western Instructor Certification training, which offers 11 different levels of certification in a variety of areas associated with running an equestrian program. In addition to training our MiVoden staff, we also hosted three instructors from Leoni Meadows and an independent instructor from Dusty Ridge Farms in California. We also hosted eight students who audited the material, six of which are students at Upper Columbia Academy. The certification lasted 5 days and included intensive training in teaching lessons, improving safety, and developing a professional equestrian program. CHA is highly respected in the larger equine industry and this training ensures that MiVoden will be a flagship camp operating at the forefront of industry standards.